Basketball Back Door Play

The basketball back door play is a basketball move every player must learn and every coach must teach.

It’s a major part of almost all offenses ever created and it’s vital you understand the fundamentals of this particular basketball play. The whole idea is to help offensive players get free from tough defenses. Once free, the offensive player should have a nice, open look at the basket.

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Basketball Back Door Play

This is a basketball play that is extremely effective against defensive players who are playing very aggressively on an offensive player and can be utilized anywhere on the floor. The back door play involves two offensive players, one of which has possession of the ball. Any two of the five players on the floor can be involved in this play.

The basketball back door play works best when the offensive player being over-played by their defender is the one without the ball. Since the defender is so close, it’s hard for the offensive player to get open for a pass from a teammate.

If you’re the player without the ball, here’s what you do to get free and work the “back door“: Take two quick steps toward your teammate with the ball. As soon as your defender catches up with you, stop quickly and cut to the basket or into an open space.

Very few defensive players have the speed necessary to catch up to you if the pass is made quickly enough. And even if the defender is fast enough to catch up to you, they’re usually out of position because you will now have your body between them and the basketball or basket.

After seeing this basketball play a time or two, watch how your defender backs off and plays more loosely.

The basketball back door play can be used at any time, but is the most effective against man-to-man defenses. We’re sure you can guess why!

Additional Back Door Tips

When you’re the player dribbling on this basketball play, you need to develop the ability to use both hands without looking at the ball. This way you always have you head up and your eyes focused on your teammates looking for those basketball back door play opportunities.

When you’re receiving the back door pass, you need to be aware of all the other defenders on the court. Otherwise, you may end up getting called for charging when you cut to the hoop. You need to develop the ability to keep your eyes on the pass, move swiftly but also watching out for defenders trying to block your cutting lane.

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